A Brighter Day


Date Added

Saturday, May 7th, 2022

Posted In

Oil Paintings


A Brighter Day



18 x 24″        

Oil on Canvas

I still catch a rerun from time to time. Bob Ross used an oil painting medium called liquid white in his wet-on-wet painting technique which allowed him to finish a painting in a short time. I purchased some liquid white, and I applied a thin layer as the underpainting of my sky.  Then I applied full strength darker pigments in the corners and lighter ones here and there. Last, I took a large brush and pulled from the corners of the sky toward the lighter part, and then I added more white. I wanted a sky that you would see after a storm when the sun was beginning to come out. This painting is somewhat different from my others, and I very much enjoyed creating it.

In Private Collection

COPYRIGHT: ©Lois Faye Matthews, All Rights Reserved

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